Friday, September 27, 2002

today played bball...lots of bball...k|nda got everyth|ng off my m|nd for awh|Le =)

basketball rocks

angie wrote on 6:00 PM.

shoot lar...|'m damn screwed...L|ke really lor...| no need go JC L| |s my sucky results...

engL|sh: B4 (after moderat|on B3)
cheena: A2
add math: E8 (m|ght have moderat|on)
chem|stry: B4 (coz | got 59.3 wh|ch |s|LL appeaL|ng to ms tan...)
pure geography: D7 (| got a fuck|ng 48...)
soc|aL stud|es: C5
L|terature: C6
comb|ned human|t|es: C5 (comb|ne soc|aL stud|es and L|t)
phys|cs: dunno yet...
e math: dunno yet...

coz |'m bang|ng on my phys|cs and e math for my L1R5...| hope | w|LL do far...4 subjects...| have 14 pts...| need to get less den 20...argh...hopeless...btw...less |s better

L|fe sucks

angie wrote on 5:59 PM.

dec|ded that | shall beg for my mark...really need |t =P

angie wrote on 12:21 AM.

just read x|ao m|n's blog...she so ke L|anz...| know wad she means |t's L|ke when you have someth|ng people want only do they come and befr|end you...|f not they dun g|ve a fuck...

Do you give a fuck?

angie wrote on 12:11 AM.

Thursday, September 26, 2002

so stup|d|ty has garnered me a B3 for engL|sh (after moderat|on)...A2 for O Level Cheena...(|'m |n express)...E8 for add math...that |s the worse man...|t's an absolutely lousy sucky grade...C5/B4 for chem|stry...k|nda hang|ng |n between coz | dunno whether my teacher w|LL g|ve me the mark to get a B4...hopefully she|wae my results are too condemned to make any d|fference...|'m look|ng forward to w|nn|ng my |ce cream bet... =) hagen daaz here | come =P

P.S. L|ke hell | w|LL go to meridien JC...god...| dun even know how to spell |t...| would be lucky to go to CJC =P s|des...heard that they have the cleanest toilets =)

L|fe st|LL sucks

angie wrote on 3:24 PM.

we got back our chem|stry paper my amazement | d|n fa|L...must be apr|L fools|waes i hope my teacher g|ves me the my | can get a 60...|nstead of man...|f | do get a 59...den | w|LL have 10 pts for 3 subjects...sad man...people 6 subjects 10...| 3 subjects 10

L|fe sucks

angie wrote on 3:13 PM.

Wednesday, September 25, 2002

yeah | know | went on the weedle qu|z spree aga|n...|t's fun...sue me |f you dun L|ke |t =P

L|fe sucks

angie wrote on 8:58 PM.

I am 30% evil.
Take the test ::

angie wrote on 8:31 PM.

I am truly passionate.

Find your soul type

angie wrote on 8:22 PM.

Take this Quiz

angie wrote on 8:12 PM.

Take the Dessert Quiz

angie wrote on 8:08 PM.

How Emotional Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

angie wrote on 8:04 PM.

yeah...played bball dur|ng recess today...scraped my knee...on the left s|de...|'m |n for a|wae the blood and plasma wun | can't be bothered e|ther...(|'m bleed|ng to mEeeeeeee...yar r|te...| wun g|ve you the sat|sfact|on of laugh|ng at me when | d|e =P) nvm shall play summore tml...who|LL L|ke sh|t...real sh|t man...nvm...need to tra||s |s sad...but too lazy to br|ng bball to|wae scrap|ng my knee a|n't that least | d|n tw|st my ankle...though | d|d fall on my ass on sunday...wh|Le pLay|ng =P laugh all you want...| w|LL get my revenge...after all |'m ev|L

L|fe st|LL sucks
kam| sama st|LL be|ng unfa|r... =(

angie wrote on 3:51 PM.

oKae...| have dec|ded to make a L|st of all my kors...dis...meis...(| dun have a j|e =P ... |'m my own boss) coz | lost count...oPps =P


1. Allen Kor...
how | knew h|m...ask jam|e...she had to drag me r|ght |n front of h|m |n the m|ddLe of my recess when they were hav|ng the|r camp...god knows for wad reason...oH yar...he's one of those outdoor spec|aL| know...those shua|ges that are your camp leaders...yeah and he's shuai...but bz...|'m neglected...

2. Feng Kai Kor...
how | knew h|m...| also forgot L|aox...| onLy remember the he |s in an ex - St dunno wad secondary...(were there really that many sa|nts ard?) and currently |n YJC coz my ex-pr|nc|paL went to about suay

3. Shiawyan Kor...
SJ| one...track and f|eLd... =) oh yeah...he's freak|ng tall

4. Zhi Wei Kor...
he's younger den me...|n R| and he wants to be my kor...guys nowadays are we|rd... =P get the h|nt?

5. Jun J|ng Kor...
used to be from |n army...|t's so fun to make fun of h|m =)

that's all | can remember for now...


1. Weihao D|...
yeah he's freak|ng tall as Yuhua Sec...why nowadays guys have to be so freak|ng tall? gd qn...| dunno the answer...yeah...he's |n bball...

2. Rayyan D|...
an|waes h|s name |s so cool...uncommon but cool none the less... =) we share a me|...he's in ACS (|)

3. Gerald D|...
also |n ACS (|)...transferred from ACS Barker though...used to be |n|wae some words of w||nk tw|ce before you cross h|s path =)

4. K|ng Lun D|...
yes...he's from ch|cken h|gh...laugh all you|cken h|gh guys are okay |f they are not w|th the|r coop ;)

yeah | have alot of me|s...k|nda lost count long t|me|wae...| w|LL st|LL try...

angie wrote on 10:04 AM.

| reaL|sed |'m too bored to go back to | shall type another entry...god th|s |s pathet|c...

| haven started study||s |s pathet||waes...the net |s st|LL f|LLed w|th pathet|c guys...that prey on g|rLs at n|ght...haha...

| nearly fa|nted when | saw the R| phys|cs preL|m paper 1 (MCQ) hard...that was why | fell asleep haha =) yeah...u gonna sae p|g r|te?

yay bball so cool...| know | can go on forever...but | dun want to...coz |t w|LL just bore the pants off you...(not that | want to see wad's underneath your pants an|wae) |f you dun L|ke bball or dun play bball...u w|LL def|n|teLy be | shall spare you...

angie wrote on 9:51 AM.

hey...|n school|s |s bloody bor|ng...*yAwnz* just woke up from my nap... =) yeah yeah | know...p|g r|te?
| d|n sleep must last n|ght lar... den | read my Seventeen magaz|ne...bor|ng too...L|fe sucks...den | reaL| cannot go home at|s sucks

play|ng bball later dur|ng|LL got another 1 more hour before|nk | w|LL go back to sleep haha bYe...

angie wrote on 9:44 AM.

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

|'m bored...yeah yeah...the usual...
played bball on sunday (|f you know me...|t's noth|ng new) the freak|ng courts are always full...the sun |s bloody hot...and | lost my touch...damn...looks L|ke have to retra|n aga|n...guess wad...| d|scovered from Jeremy that...he st|LL cannot do lay-up... =) that was L|ke one year L|aox...s|nce the last t|me | showed h|m...

today was qu|te fun...played bball...but some people just refused to haul their asses ard and play full|t's like 11 people half pathetic can that get...very i guess...last t|me | played 3 - on - 5 full court...was pretty fun =) we|L|n was damn pro...(school bballer wad) yeah...she's gd =) nvm | guess play aga|n tml...den tml released from school at | can play until qu|te late and go home before the ch|ckens (TCHS - The Chicken House Sucks) are released from school and flood the bus...yeah...and | have to avo|d the polka dotted environmentaL|sts too (SMGS)

L|fe sucks

angie wrote on 10:26 PM.


yeah expected...the dreaded gett|ng back of papers...| only | have one to say...

SCREWED S . C . R . E . W . E . D s.c.r.e.w.e.d screwed
s - c - r - e - w - e - d sCrEwEd s~c~r~e~w~e~d

L|fe sucks.
kam| sama's so unfa|r =P

angie wrote on 7:42 PM.


| wasn't really bothered and res|gned to my fate to fa|L...wonderful...| was st|LL watch|ng Gensomaden Saiyuki, Slamdunk & Boys Be for god knows wad reason...but an|way L|ke | say |'m res|gned to my fate...

| attempted to study at the L|brary aga|n but | met Jeremy there haha...guess wad...| d|n get to study...not when sumone |s chant|ng |n front of you (he was attempt|ng to memor|se h|s quotes for The Crucible...|f you ask me...L|terature sucks) and there were th|s 3 guys that dec|ded to s|t bes|de us...|t d|n really help that they looked happy (means look gay lar) and that they were G|GGL| guys actually g||wae...we just kept on laugh|ng...and |n the end attempt |nf|n|te to study at L|brary|s |s sad man...|n the end | only went home at 10 plus...

L|fe sucks

angie wrote on 7:38 PM.

an|ways...| guess | w|LL start recount|ng what has been happening the past few weeks... =)


before preL|ms...| was st|LL a rather happy person...(not gay lar) an|ways i attempted to study at the L|brary but FAILED...wh|ch was rather sad coz | e|ther was people watch|ng, |f not read|ng, |f not sleep|ng...dur|ng the hols | was st|LL relat|vely happy...pranc|ng and play|ng about and | played basketball for 3 hrs stra|ght on one weekend...FUN~!~!~! =) but before | could do anyth|ng...preL|ms started...sad case man... but too bad...

L|fe sucks

angie wrote on 7:31 PM.


yeah yeah | know | have not posted any blogs |n ages...but you can't blame me...coz |t's not my fault ( not a really good arguement huh?)
haha...prelims just |'m getting back my results...|t's so screwed man...|f you have anyth|ng on for the f|rst 3 mths of next not hes|tate to ask me along =)

L|fe sucks

angie wrote on 7:16 PM.