Thursday, October 31, 2002

went to the L|brary sortof least | d|d sumth|ng...was darn slack today...damn...oh man |'m sooooooo dead...

d|eded =)

angie wrote on 10:36 PM.

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

What Spooky Being are You?

angie wrote on 11:24 PM.

Tuesday, October 29, 2002 NOT true...coz | have never k|ssed before...

romantic kisser

You Are A Romantic Kisser!

You'll only kiss if the mood is right and if you think you are falling in love.

Some may say you're old fashioned, but when you kiss, you see stars!

One kiss from you, and anyone will be hooked forever.

How Do *You* Kiss?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

angie wrote on 12:37 AM.

what fucked version of hello kittie are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

angie wrote on 12:31 AM.

What Kind of Virgin Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

angie wrote on 12:29 AM.

* Which Tragic Shakespearean Heroin are You? *

brought to you by Quizilla

angie wrote on 12:27 AM.

which eye are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

angie wrote on 12:25 AM.

what sort of weirdo are you?

this quiz by belle

angie wrote on 12:23 AM.

Monday, October 28, 2002

haha bball so totally rox...too t|red to update yesterday lar...played bball from 4 to 8.30 w|th jan|ce and kather|ne...played a few matches etc...haha t|red man...some people are too good |n the|r bball...den went to eat at serene centre...mac aga|n...haha th|s |s becom|ng a hab|t...den when | go home as usual lar...kena kaobe| by my parents...s|an man...haha x|aom|n...saw yr msg yesterday but was too busy play|ng bball haha and you can compose r|ngtones...just go read the manual...|t's k|nda hard to f|nd that sect|on...and yeah | get to change hp pretty much...all | have to do |s bug my parents unt|L they g|ve up or someth|ng L|ke dat haha...

an|waes gotta go study now...lala...becoz...Os |s com|ng...|t really sux b|g t|me...nvm...sunday gonna play bball aga|n =)

angie wrote on 4:09 PM.

Sunday, October 27, 2002

what color chucks are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

angie wrote on 9:23 AM.

Saturday, October 26, 2002

today was graduat|on...sux b|g t|me...|t was damn hot |n the hall and th|s stup|d assoc|ate professor had to brag and take 30 m|ns for a stup|d speech...and | shouldn't have allowed my mother to turn up...for turn up she d|d w|th a v|deo camera...*fa|nts*...|t's only a graduat|on...b|g deal... =P rules...the|r concert th|s morn|ng so n|ce...

angie wrote on 11:20 PM.

haha so happy for yesterday...played basketball w|th hu|wen and kat...den jan|ce came along...played bball w|th her before...but outs|de of school and | d|n get to really know her unt|L man... =) her bball |s good...den we played from 2 to 6...den after that me, kat and jan|ce went to hang out at serene centre...qu|te cool den sunday we gonna go play bball =)

bball rox...

angie wrote on 11:18 PM.

Friday, October 25, 2002

haha prac sux b|g t|me...hA|x...nuff sa|D...

angie wrote on 12:07 AM.

Wednesday, October 23, 2002 b-dae todAy|wae t|s |s the suck|est b-dae...screw |T O level chem bad can that my press|e got a cake...noth|ng new...had a dr|nk at coffee bean w|th gLadYs...haha...caught w|th each other ab|t qu|te fun...hmm n e waYs...tata gotta go study for pract|cal tML =)

L|fe sux...and |t's compL|cated...

angie wrote on 8:50 PM.

Monday, October 21, 2002

Who are you?

angie wrote on 3:52 PM.

Take the Purrsonality Quiz!

angie wrote on 3:48 PM.

Which Element Represents You?
created by kefkafanatic @ mental insanity

angie wrote on 10:37 AM.

Sunday, October 20, 2002

~Find Your Beauty Aura~

angie wrote on 1:48 AM.

Which Season are you?

angie wrote on 1:38 AM.

What Psych-Ward do you belong to?

angie wrote on 1:36 AM.

Take the What Type of Friend are
quiz, and visit

angie wrote on 1:34 AM.

Find your Role-Playing

angie wrote on 1:31 AM.

find your element

angie wrote on 1:27 AM.

What Type of Villain are You? /

angie wrote on 1:23 AM.

What Pattern Are You?

angie wrote on 1:14 AM.

Saturday, October 19, 2002

some people are L|fe ( only n|any|ng knows who she |s )

hmm read x|ao m|n's blog...she always says these ch|m th|ngs...that make u th|nk alot unt|L you have a s|ncerely hopes x|ao m|n reaL|ses there are st|LL other people out there |n the world dest|ned to be her forever frens and she w|LL def|n|tely f|nd a bf soon... =) and that she's pretty...|t's|wae someone w|LL def|n|tely accept u for who u are...|f not why |n orchard we see ch|obus w|th ugly guys and v|ce versa...cheer up m|nz =) an|wae not try|ng to sae u w|LL end up w|th an ugly bf haha...just try|ng to tell u to take |t easy on frensh|ps with guys...

sm|Le and the world sm|Les w|th u...
fart and you stand alone...hehz.. =P

angie wrote on 11:26 PM.

wHo's 2 bLame?

th|s |s a story about People named everybody, somebody, anybody and nobody.

there was an |mportant job to be done and everybody was sure that somebody would do |t. anybody could have done |t but nobody d|d |t. somebody got angry about that because |t was everybody's job. everybody thought anybody could do |t but nobody reaL|sed that everybody would not do |t. |t ended up that everybody blamed somebody when nobody d|d what anybody could have done.

angie wrote on 5:10 PM.

haha went out today...d|n go the open houses coz | couldn't f|nd an|one to go w|th me? hehz...haha bor|ng|wae eat lunch w|th my jun|or and her b|ggy...he seems to be |n a bad mood...haha mabbe becoz | d|an deng pao...budden my jun|or sae he's most probably t|red and was pretty p|ssed as she told one force h|m to come out after lunch they went to watch mov|e den | went k|no...haha...bought alot of rubb|sh magaz|nes...darn ex...haha esp the ta|wan ones...that cost twice as much as they do |n ta|wan...but got energy...wad to do haha =)|s |s sOoo lame...nvm...bored man...

haha as | was walk|ng out of k|no...saw mark chay...and two other guys...| th|nk one of the other guys was gary tan...haha cannot recognise lar...haha even though | was less den a metre away...u dun expect me to stand there and stare do u? hehz...haha...quite cool lar...he's hunky =)

den | saw th|s couple f|ght|ng |n orchard...sheesh...go home den f|ght|wae noth|ng n|ce to see coz the guy and g|rl not shua| or ch|o respect| not |nterested...haha met sujuan...ruy|ng...sharon and yan chy| | th|nk at lunch...haha...sharon sae ACJC and SAJC open house bor| far | think RJC one the n|cest =) an|wae me go read my rubb|sh mags L|aox...bUa|

energy rulez...
btw...Stand Tough by Po|nt Break rox...haha so happen also the song for RJC's mass dance...

angie wrote on 3:21 PM.

haha sorLee long never updates...haha today went HCJC and RJC open|wae...HC people can't dance even |f the|r L|fe depended on |t...nuff sa|d...HC was bor|ng...but RJ was damn cool...haha... =) people there...not bad...haha...| dunno though we d|n have a gu|de we felt at ease...wh|ch |s a gd s|gn haha the only th|ng that |s stopp|ng me |sh...haha my lousy grades... =)

haha f|nally played bball gan dong...haha x|ao m|n was sO funny hehz... haha now she my tu d| and she cLa|ms she has a lucky s|de to shoot on...haha... =) but she's not bad...hmm m|ss bball must play summore haha...we went stephy's house to play...after play|ng at RJ...w|th baoL|ng and th|s guy...dunno from wad sch...haha must ask x|ao m|nz...oh...x|ao m|n saes |t's raffles...raffles wad? hmm x|ao m|n saez...|t's...R| haha...| suck at teLL|ng the d|fference of un|forms lor...hehz...haha... =)

haha tml |sh my jun|or help me celebrate my eh haha...dunno wad to man...haha...oKae lar...i too lazy to type an|more hopefully tml | go|ng one go w|th me...haha

oh yeah... gonna m|ss the geography group table ...c|ndy...cheryl...sharon...x|ao m| and x|ngn|... haha must go have out|ng haha... hopefully sharon wun be so sad...haha...x|ao m| luck haha... =)

energy rox...
n|u na| ~ kun da ~ toro ~ ah d| ~ shu we|

angie wrote on 1:01 AM.

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

click to take it!

angie wrote on 1:36 AM.

click to take it!
What's your claim to fame?

angie wrote on 1:25 AM.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

ha|x the news qu|te sad...the baL| bomb|ng and dad st|LL sae end of year go wad baL| or phuket...haha |n my op|n|on ta|wan...and japan and korea |s better...the food |n ta|wan and korea |s great man...haha never been to japan...| have never been to austraL|a before...beL|eve |t or not...haha so sua ku...haha so happen get to go hong kong myself next| on to happ|er th|ngs haha

today | pon school...bleahs...coz | felt L|ke |t? an|wae | was feeL|ng pretty s|ck too |f...den | watched alot of tv today...saw alot of energy =) m|ss sch also worth |t hehz...saw...n|u na|'s du j|a haha so cute hehz...den saw energy on th|s show where they had to k|ss each other...qu|te|wae |t's not wad u th|nk...pervert...|f u wanna know the deta|Ls just ask me...hehz...and...saw toro's du j|a haha qu|te cute happy...hehz...yeah they are com|ng on the 17 November...qu|te cool arh...haha who cares |f next day |s pure geography paper 2...| dun g|ve a more |mportant =)

energy rox...
L|fe sux...

angie wrote on 7:54 PM.

Monday, October 14, 2002

f|gured | m|ght as well put both...

For Her:

kind of clothes should I be wearing?
by Evelyn

For Him:

kind of clothes should I be wearing?
by Evelyn

angie wrote on 8:44 PM.

haha th|s |s so funny

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?

brought to you by Quizilla

angie wrote on 1:14 AM.

stup|d harry potter code...g|ve such a long one...

angie wrote on 1:04 AM.

angie wrote on 1:03 AM.

Sunday, October 13, 2002 usual...they are good...hmm and funny =) and cute... =)

an|waes...nj open house was k|nda cool...guess the |mpress|on of bored people d|n str|ke me...*amazed*|wae...not bad qu|te alot of cut|es...d|n expect |t...and|cken h|gh|ng basketball and hang|ng out there...|t k|nda repelled me from the bball court...|t's revolt|ng...and my fren po|nted out who x|nru was...boy...was he short...nvm...not my prob... =P haha capta|n of tchs bball team...who cares...that's not the po||wae got qu|te a number of cute guys |n cheerlead|ng...they must have been |nsp|red by Br|ng |t On...or mabbe the ch|obus |n cheerlead|ng...who knows ;) you know? | dunno...hehz...haha...nj seems not bad...and yes...|'m attracted to western lar actually h|p hop...coz of energy =) yaya dun need to tell me u th|nk |m s|ao...| know you w|LL sae |t

energy rox =)
L|fe sux

angie wrote on 9:28 PM.

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

boy am | devastated...*sn|ff* | asked my dad to help me tape shi zi lu 11.30...coz got ENERGY...yeah...and guess wad...some people SOOooooOOoo smart...tape unt|L halfway...| d|n even get to see toro get wet... ;) an|wae | was devastated...and | was laugh|ng and cry|ng...yeah|wae |t was h|Lar|ous darn...not gonna talk to my dad man...bleah

angie wrote on 6:08 PM.

Saturday, October 05, 2002

You're Shirou Kamui!
Congratulations-- the Power of God is in your hands. Well, maybe not, but you do occasionally feel as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders, and sometimes you just want to run away to escape it all. You mean well, but you are sometimes short-tempered and don’t necessarily think things through before you do them. Friendship is very important to you, as is loyalty. You have a lot of growing to do, but deep down you really are a good person.
Which Dragon of Heaven are you?
Quiz by Kerianne

angie wrote on 11:10 PM.

come discover which fairy you are!

I'm Hello Kitty Flower Fairy!

angie wrote on 11:07 PM.

You are Storm
You are
Storm from X-Men: Evolution. You are very intelligent and very beautiful, and
your level head and kind heart help you come through even the toughest
situations. You go, girl!

Which movie heroine are you?

angie wrote on 11:02 PM.

haha f|naLLy start|ng to feel better...from my lousy s|ckness...yeah...f|naLLy feel L|ke gett|ng some of my soc|aL L|fe back...but guess that w|LL have to wa|t unt|L after the Os...darn

L|fe sucks

angie wrote on 10:36 PM.

Thursday, October 03, 2002

darn...3rd day |n a tml w|LL be the 4th...yeah yeah | know...mabbe |'m dy|ng...m|ght as well though den | wun have to s|t for the screwed Os...slept alot these few days...but st|LL darn t|red...| th|nk |'m gonna sleep now...too...n|te

screw L|fe

angie wrote on 9:03 PM.

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

| d|n go to school for 2 days |n a row L|aox...coz |'m s|ck...s|ck |n the m|nd...yeah...who g|ves a damn...haven been sleep|ng well though...all thanx to the n|temares | get from TYS...| keep on dream|ng that | can't f|nd the one | need/want...wh|ch was dr|v|ng me baLL|st|c...nvm...den | have th|s whole stack of pract|ce papers from under my desk...yucks...can't wa|t for study leave...damn | dun wanna see my geog teacher...prob get more s|ck at the s|ght of her...she has th|s very fake and sweet vo|ce wh|ch |s absolutely d|sgust|ng...yUck...

screw L|fe

angie wrote on 10:26 PM.

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Which era in time are you?

angie wrote on 5:00 PM.

Take this quiz or visit survey.JUNKIE for more surveys!

angie wrote on 4:57 PM.

What kind of drunk are you?

angie wrote on 4:53 PM.

Which Peeg are you?

angie wrote on 4:50 PM.

L|fe sucks...noth|ng new...probably...bes|des the fact that | have no JC to go to for the f|rst 3 mths...and that my L1R5 st|nks...and that | have a fever...yeah...screw L|fe

hell yeah... =)

angie wrote on 4:29 PM.