Monday, March 26, 2007
You are very ambitious and because you seek and need recognition, you try in your own way to impress people and you want to be looked up to - to be both popular and admired. You feel that there is a gap which separates you from your fellow man, or woman as the case may be, but this anxiety is an unnecessary one. Keep on the way you are going and you may surprise yourself.Enough is enough. Nothing seems to be working out as you would like it to and it has got to the stage where you feel as if you can't be bothered anymore. The way you feel is that it would be great if you could be cut off from everything and take it easy - be it only for a short time.
Compromise is the name of the game at this time and it is the only way you can avoid being deprived of the love and affection you so rightly deserve -so soften up a little, be flexible.
All of your stress arises from lack of mutual understanding. The existing situation is unsatisfactory and you feel that you are unable to improve it without the help and co-operation of others. The need for understanding and for affectionate 'give and take' remains unsatisfied. You are experiencing the feeling of being 'handcuffed' - 'tied down' - 'hindered' - 'restrained' and this untenable situation is giving rise to impatience, irritability and the desire to escape from it all.
You are being very dogmatic, insisting that there is to be absolutely no equivocation whatsoever about your achievements and accomplishments.
hur this is damn accurate.
and simple to do.
siew i know you will like it (:
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
8 - the AsserterThanks for taking the test !
you chose AY - your Enneagram type is EIGHT (aka "The Challenger").
"I must be strong"
Asserters are direct, self-reliant, self-confident, and protective.
How to Get Along with Me
Stand up for yourself... and me.
Be confident, strong, and direct.
Don't gossip about me or betray my trust.
Be vulnerable and share your feelings. See and acknowledge my tender,
vulnerable side.
Give me space to be alone.
Acknowledge the contributions I make, but don't flatter me.
I often speak in an assertive way. Don't automatically assume it's
a personal attack.
When I scream, curse, and stomp around, try to remember that's just
the way I am.
What I Like About Being a Eight
being independent and self-reliant
being able to take charge and meet challenges head on
being courageous, straightforward, and honest
getting all the enjoyment I can out of life
supporting, empowering, and protecting those close to me
upholding just causes
What's Hard About Being a Eight
overwhelming people with my bluntness; scaring them away when I don't
intend to
being restless and impatient with others' incompetence
sticking my neck out for people and receiving no appreciation for it
never forgetting injuries or injustices
putting too much pressure on myself
getting high blood pressure when people don't obey the rules or when
things don't go right
Eights as Children Often
are independent; have an inner strength and a fighting spirit
are sometimes loners
seize control so they won't be controlled
fugure out others' weaknesses
attack verbally or physically when provoked
take charge in the family because they perceive themselves as the strongest,
or grow up in difficult or abusive surroundings
Eights as Parents
are often loyal, caring, involved, and devoted
are sometimes overprotective
can be demanding, controlling, and rigid
Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele
The Enneagram Made Easy
Discover the 9 Types of People
SanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
i know i have not blogged in like a week or so because i am so busy that i cant even keep track of my own how sad is that.
and of course i did regret slightly for not studying for COM101 cos i got a grand total of 62 marks for my mid-terms.
i finished my article paper which was due the following day, tuesday but have not presented it yet. its probably my turn to present tml.
i finished my ugc 112 response paper due on wednesday and the Jill Peters hasnt returned it to us yet even though we need it to study for our exam which is on wednesday, 7th march 2007.
i handed in my computing & statistics assignment and got 14/15 for my test. yay. i could have gotten 15 though.
the weekend was good though cos i managed to squeeze in a meal with my grandma and go shopping with bff. quality bff time.
oh and my wisdom tooth stitches are out and everything is fine and dandy.
i just had my COM101 quiz today which i got 90 for. well i need it to pull up my lame-ass mid-term marks.
i guess tml's my turn to present my marketing research paper.
i have my UGC 112 exam on wednesday.
i have my accounting test on thursday.
i have my marketing mid-term on thursday.
i wanna die.
mundane post.
cos i really need to keep track of my life.
and of course my aim is at least a 3.6 for my GPA this sem.
sem's coming to an end soon though.
hope everyone's having a great time now.
and congrats to the people who did great for their As.